martes, 31 de octubre de 2006




lunes, 30 de octubre de 2006

Infinito incognoscible

Lao tse... se hacia llamar.
Siendo asi, que no me es un hombre por que se supo mas grande que los dioses su misma existencia en el TAO le dio la substancia.
Me encomiendo a aquel de años posteriores a que me forme en tan silencioso arte.
Este proposito en el que me encuentro vacio e inmutable, lleno de formas de vacuidad en el insondable mar eterno, el sopor perpetuo y la luz infinita.
AIN SOPH AUR lo llamaron algunos.
AIN es lo negado, la ausencia, el silencio
SOPH es aquello que no tiene, ni pricipio, ni fin
AIN SOPH es el infinto negado
AUR es la luz
AIN SOPH AUR el vacio infinito lleno de si-mismo
La ausencia primal, la razon divina, en la nada se forma y solo se contiene a el...

Y el silencio que todo lo sabe.

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2006

y el abismo devuelve su mirada

(*Transcripcion del video How to operate your brain...y el video aca*)
This is an experiment in mind formation, in-formation, forming, controlling, operating your mind and your brain, using digital techniques to overload, scramble, confuse, unfocus your mind.

The natural state of the brain is chaos.
We're dealing with a complexity of in-formation.
The first thing to do is to overwhelm your focused mind, your linear mind, by overloading signals, digital patterns, clusters of photons and electrons which produce a pleasant state of confused chaos.
This is the state of the brain when it is ready to be informed, that is, to be reprogrammed.

The human brain contains one hundred billion neurons, each neuron is as powerful as a large computer, and each neuron has around ten thousand connections with other neurons.
Within our foreheads there is a chaos, inside our brains there is a galaxy of information, which is incomprehensible to our linear minds.
This contrasts and compares perfectly with the chaos without.
We're living in a universe, which has one hundred billion galaxies, each galaxy with star systems, planets, a complexity, again, which to our minds right now is chaotic, incomprehensible.

Chaos is beautiful.
Now many times we are afraid because we want order.
We can't deal with the confusion and disorder.
We want form. We want rules.
Yes, throughout human history there have been people religious leaders, political leaders who will give you order. They will give you rules and commandments.
But chaos is basically good.
Relax. Surf the waves of chaos and learn how to redesign your own realities.
Sit back. Flow. Open your eyes.
Turn off your minds.
Unfocus, and let the waves of chaos roll over your brain.
Float. Drift, Zoom. Design.
Create new order, your order, your style from chaos.
Yes. Yes. Chaos. Yes, yes, chaos . . .
The aim of human life is to know thyself.
Think for yourself. Question authority.
Think with your friends. Create, create new realities.
Philosophy is a team sport. Philosophy is the ultimate, the ultimate aphrodisiac pleasure.
Learning how to operate your brain, learning how to operate your mind, learning how to redesign chaos.
The religious leaders, the political leaders want to give you orders to run your life, to determine how you think.
The basic goal is to operate your own mind. Think for yourself.

Around three thousand years ago, a group of human beings in Athens, Greece, developed a new philosophy, a basic religion of humanity that is called humanism.
Socrates said that the aim of human life is to know thyself.
Create and design your own order from chaos.
Socrates did not give commandments.
Socrates did not impose order.
Socrates asked questions.
He encouraged his friends to speculate, design, to create, to interact their own versions of reality.
Socrates said the way to perform philosophy is in small groups, raising questions, learning from each other, changing, changing your mind, growing together, thinking together.

The religious leaders said "You cant say that, Socrates. The gods are in control. Who are you to say you have a self
How dare you think you can know? the Gods determine. Sacrifice to the gods; obey the gods."
Socrates said, "No. Look within."
For that, they gave Socrates the hemlock, because he dared to tell people, "Think for yourself. Question authority".

To think for yourself, you must learn how to reprogram, reform, inform your own brain.
To do this, to take responsibility for your brain, it is necessary to question everything that you have been taught, to question authority, to learn to take the brave step of taking responsibility for operating your brain.
For designing, redesigning, reforming the chaos within.

Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities
the political, the religious, the educational authorities
who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing
forming in our minds THEIR view of reality.
To think for yourself, you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Then came Marshall McCluhan, in the 1950's.
McCluhan said, in the Socratic sense, "The medium is the message."
The words you use, the modes of communication you use determine the realities you inhabit.
Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determined by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by the authorities.
McCluhan said, "If you want to change your mind, change the medium."
Change the words you use.
Change the mode of communication.
If you change the medium, you change yourself.
You change your society.

In the 1960's, a new mode of communication developed: television.
The kids growing up in the 1950's learned how to tune in, turn on, fine tune, turn off, select, determine what hits your eyeballs.
You control your eyeballs and your eardrums.
You direct, manage the media that program your brain.
McCluhan said, "Who controls the media is programming your mind and programming your brain."
We are using in this tape the new media of digital, multimedia, audiographic overload, attempting to create the state of open-mindedness, pleasant vulnerability in which we will in-form and imprint the messages of The Sponsor: "Use your head. Learn how to operate your brain."

To operate your brain you must understand how to use your eyes. "Oh say, can you see?"
Oh say, can't you see what is being done to your eyes?
Who controls your eyeballs, controls your mind, imprints your brain.
Oh say, cant you see that the messages that hit your eyeballs in modern television are creating realities, imprinting messages from the sponsors who are not usually interested in your learning how to design your own realities.

Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!
Who controls your screen controls the programs in your mind.
Your eyes are the windows of your brain.
The eyes are extensions of the brain.
The eyes are made up of hundreds of layers of neurons, rods, cones.
Your eyeballs deal with one energy: It's light.
Through your eyes come illumination, vision, perception, enlightenment, illumination.
Your eyes are the windows of your soul.
Who controls your eyeballs programs your brain.
Learn how to dial, fine tune your eyeballs.
Learn how to unfocus your eyes, dilate your pupils, learn how to open up to illumination and light, and then refocus and redesign your own inner order, your own designs, your own language.

In the 60's, we said. "Power to the people."
In the 90's, the digital multimedia 90's, we say, "Power to the pupil."
Illuminate. Enlighten. Envision. Light waves. Sound waves. Light waves. Open eyes. Open mind. Open your brain.
Learn how to send messages using electrons.
Your brain loves light. Who controls your eyeballs programs your mind.

We are also passing on, in this demonstration, the message of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the first and probably the greatest American philosopher who said, "Divinity lies within."
Dont look to the churches or to the big marble institutions.
Your divinity lies within.
You must learn to operate your brain, operate your soul.
Learn how to communicate brain to brain, soul to soul with other people.
Your divinity lies within.

The brain is designed to design realities.
If you operate your own brain skillfully, you can learn to design your own realities, learn how to communicate in the language of the brain: electrons and photons.
We are doing this now.
We are sending messages from our brains, using the vehicle of electrons and photons, to your eyeballs.
As we watch this screen, our minds are bedazzled, our minds are softened, our linear, sharp logical thinking is gentled, and we are communicating brain to brain.
We are using the electron, computer circuits, to feed each other's brains with light.

This is the first paragraph, the first attempt, the first child's primer in how to communicate using both the orderly left brain and the chaotic, confusing language of photons and electrons.
The brain is a photovore.
Your brain, my brain, our brains live on light. Just as the body needs air and carbohydrates, our brains are starved for light, for illumination, for revelation.

Use your head.
Learn how to operate your brain.
The brain is designed to design realities.

Marshall McCluhan made the prophecy.
He told us that the aim of evolution was to use media to create what we all want: the global village, the language, which can be understood by every human being, by every brain.
The basic language of humanity, the language of the brain, lights, sounds, rhythms, pulsating your bones, moving your body.
We all know this language.
We can all sing and dance this language of electrons, of radio waves, of rhythms.

Now we have digital communication.
We can create our fantasies.
We can create our rhythms, design on screen.
A new language will develop, a global language, not based on letters, not based on grammars, the language which we all understand, based on clusters of waves of light and sound.
We all understand.
We all celebrate.
We all glory in the light, the illumination, the contact, the intersection, the interaction from around the world, the language of form.
We will create a language of international, global brain linkup.
Anyone in any culture watching this screen will get the general picture.
It's one global village.
It's one global human spirit, one global human race.
As we link up through screens, linked by electrons and photons, we will create for the first time a global humanity, not separated by words or minds or nationalities or religious biases.
Now listen to The Message from The Sponsor: "There is one, global human race."
We're just now learning to communicate brain to brain, soul to soul.
Timothy Francis Leary

sábado, 28 de octubre de 2006


(* Recorde una conversacion, con alguien muy importante y sustraje una idea, de las tantas que se plantearon. Utilice el nombre de "Leviatan" para designar una criatura que no necesita de dios para vivir, en algun lado lo habia leido, ya no recuerdo donde*)

Y :Que tal si...?
H :Que tal si... lo hubiera elegido?
V :Que tal si... estas ataduras que la sociedad llama virtud (intelecto, belleza y poder) me hayansido reveladas y mias?
H:Estaria aqui?


Y:...alguna vez elegi? y si es asi...por que elegi esto?
H:Ahi algun motivo para esa pregunta?
V:Quiero ser otro?
H:Quiero ser leviatan?


Y:No puedo ser leviatan y no deseo ser leviatan
H:por que?
V:por que leviatan nada tiene y nada es.
H:que sos?


Y:Soy una ilusion
Fiat lux
H:Acaso vale mas ser ilusion que nada?
V:Si, Yo Soy un espejo de la causa y del efecto.
H:Por que te da mas valor?


Y:Por que se que esto no me pertenece.
H:Por que?
V:Por que conozco el tiempo.
H:Que es el tiempo?

Y:Una ilusion y su esencia es la causa y el efecto
H:Que es la causa y el efecto?

El viento que todo lo mueve
La tierra que todo lo contiene
El fuego que todo lo arde
El agua que todo lo purifica
Es la estructura
H: y que sos?

Y: Soy un espejo de la estructura, la obra culmine de el tiempo, formo parte.
H:por que sos la obra culmine?
V:Por que puedo elegir saber y asi ser.

Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram
H:Entonces...alguna vez elegi...?

Y:Ya elegistes la gloria de la existencia, coronada con la vida.

H:estas ataduras que elegi son mias, mi conocimiento de ellas y ellas mismas forman parte del mundo, Simbolo y Emblema de el Tiempo.

(*Me di cuenta al terminar de leerlo, es muy socratico!...espero, que sea entendible para aquel que tenga preguntas, si solo tenes certezas o no queres simplemente, pensar te hagas drama*)

///y en el proximo capitulo...

Think for yourself. Question authority

-Timothy Leary

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2006

a 10 minutos de salir del laburo...


nada mas eso...quiero vacaciones!

Esto se vuelve cada vez mas complicado...

No puedo evitar, considerar cada post anterior como una figura inconciente de las primeras 3 esferas de las sephiras (segun los thelemitas...)
Sin darme cuenta sustraje lo que considere importante a este lugar o tal vez estoy demasiado loco y veo esas constantes en todos lados o tal vez TODOSLOSLADOS sean correspondiente con las sephiras y yo solamente me doy cuenta que obro a traves de ellas como todos nosotros...

queda a disposicion de usted, la respuesta! señor lector!

(*mierda, que mal escribo tengo que y quiero leer mas! maldito trabajo me arruina la vida! *)



1 2 3 = 6 Y.

4 5 6 = 6 H.

7 8 9 = 6 V.

10 = 6 H.

  1. Tratar lo mas posible de hablar cuesta bastante...(ironico, no? de verdad que estoy es dificil ser casual)
  2. Tratar de postear...cuando tenga ganas de escribir. (aunque tenga o no tenga tiempo libre)
  3. No esperar comentarios
  4. Leer todo comentario.
  5. Todo comentario sera bien recibido. =)
  6. Progresar en los posteos. (desde lo simple a lo complejo)
  7. Todo lo que escribire sera verdad ,por lo menos para mi.
  8. Los blogs que estan a mi costado, no solo, son mas interesantes si no mas concretos y complejos en su forma...mejor vayan por haya...
  9. Los textos tendran razon de ser, al postearse. (en mi cabeza nada valen...)
  10. Nada esta librado al azar aunque lo parezca, todo tiene su razon...
  11. No esperar nada de nadie...solo buscar conocerme a mi mismo y aprender de los demas y/o del mundo.
  12. Ser humilde por que se que esto a nadie le importa.
  13. Ser agradecido por que se que hay una eternidad de cosas mas importantes e interesantes que leer.
  14. Dejar constancia de la grandiosidad y hermosura por cuanto nos rodea (aunque parezca soberbio o estupido decirlo...)
  15. Nada de lo que diga debe ser considerado una verdad absoluta...esto solo es mio y mi verdad.
  16. Nunca contradecirme.

jueves, 26 de octubre de 2006


Noli foras ire, in teipsum redi; in interiore homine habitat veritas

(*no vayas fuera, entra en tí mismo; en el hombre interior habita la verdad*)

Tanto se habla, tanto se dice...

Es enorme y cada vez que miro (de lo que algunos llaman blogosfera) me impresiona y me arrebata el corazon.

Cuantas enormidades, cuantos sentimientos, cuantas verdades, mentiras, deseos, maldades, pasiones, dolores, soledades e estupideces...tanto y tan importante...y todo esto forma parte del mundo y a su vez esta siendo formado por el y todo lo que falta y todo lo que es y todo lo que sera y todavia mas...
y cada uno festejando su propia verdad escrita.
Yo por mi parte nunca entendi este extraño paisaje, de que sirve hablar de uno mismo ? de que sirve mirarse el ombligo? de que sirve un comentario? de que sirve? me preguntaba, estupido que era... desconocia lo que acunaban estas paginas.

Estos infatigables 27 simbolos se arman y se desarman forman palabras ideas y analogias son puros en esencia (antiquisimos testigos del hombre...) y su uso tan castigado (personalmente formo parte de sus victimarios...) pero en esa danza de simbolos se extrae la verdad...pero ya hablare de ellos mas extensamente.

imago Dei (*imagen de dios*)

De estos grandes pilares se extrae la verdad y la verdad esta unida al intimo (al que somos y no dejamos de ser jamas) y de esta obra primal se extrae toda la cultura y la obra del hombre y la red forma parte de sus artes mas altas. (obviamente que hay estupidos y tristes y mojigatos y mediocres y altivos y creo formar parte de cada uno de ellos, pero...veo las cosas diferentes tal vez, me diras que con excusas, no lo se...)

Si leiste hasta aca, muchas gracias!!!

Me diras que exagero, que hablo demasiado, que esto es una estupides, que aca no hay nada mas que hombrecitos tristes tratando de conectarse sexual o empaticamente por una autoestima magullada...
Pero decime, esto no forma parte del el mundo? verdad esta en cada uno de nosotros, se forma con la idea y se entiende y se ama con la palabra.

esa frase que ves aunque pequeña, es enorme y llegar a entederla completa, requiere trabajo de conciencia y meditacion...

o tal vez no veas nada...
quien sabe?

esa incertidumbre es bella y la que celebro con este documento, la diferencias y las verdades

(*trate de ser lo mas sintetico y simple y creo que no me salio ninguna de las 2 cosas*)

(*omiti adrede algunas reglas ortograficas lo he hecho y lo seguire haciendo...*)

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2006


In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.

(*el vacio que se forma y la susbstancia que se asienta*)

"O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beautious mankind is!
O brave new world,
That has such people in't!"

Estas fueron las palabras para este incompleto blog...

Para los que me conocen (bueno, ya me conocen) y para los que no me conocen, disculpen si peco de pretencioso o sincretista, la intension de este blog la desconozco, como un tonto espero lo inesperado y tambien como un tonto se que la unica forma de saber es siendo inconciente de los motivos y llevar mis inpulsos al hecho, este señoras y señores es el hecho.

ain soph aur